We're Equality Media + Marketing, and we want to make sure you know what happens to your personal information when you hang out with us online. So, here are the rules we follow when it comes to handling your data.

This Privacy Policy is our way of letting you know how we handle the personal information we collect from you. We're all about following the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) because we take privacy seriously.

When we say "we," "our," or "us," we're referring to Equality Media Pty Ltd (ABN 14 632 628 043).

Personal information is any info about you where your identity is clear or can be reasonably figured out. It might also include Sensitive Information.

Sensitive Information covers details like your race, political opinions, religious beliefs, or medical info. We promise to handle it with care.

This policy covers Personal Information that we collect directly from you. It's when you get in touch with us, use our website at (Website), or sign up to our newsletter. Sometimes we might need to make changes or add stuff to this policy and we'll let you know where possible.

Collection of Personal Information
Okay, now let's talk about when we collect your Personal Information. Here are a few examples:

a. When you sign up to our newsletter or reach out to us for our Services, we'll need some info like your name, address, phone number, domain name, and email address. Trust us, we handle it responsibly.

b. Sometimes we collect non-personally identifying info for stats and marketing purposes. You know, stuff like server address, top-level domain name (.com, .gov, you get it), date and time of your visit, pages you accessed, documents you downloaded, where you came from, and the type of browser you use.

c. Just to be clear, we won't record any identifying details (like your name and IP) or your other browsing activities unless we're legally obligated to do so. We're not here to spy on you!

d. We also collect Personal Information about our awesome staff, contractors, and job applicants. Things like names, addresses, contact details, and work experience. Gotta keep things running smoothly!

e. Oh, and we gather some demographic info too. You know, to get a better picture of who we're hanging out with.

f. By the way, we're not responsible for the privacy or security practices of other websites you might access through ours. Also, we can't guarantee our customers' compliance with our code. So when you do your thing online, be careful and stay smart.

Use of Personal Information
Alright, now that we have your info, here's what we use it for:

a. We use your Personal Information to provide you with info and top-notch support for our Services. 

b. We'll keep you in the loop with any services updates, maintenance notices, and other important stuff.

c. Oh, and we might use your info to measure your experience with our Services and Website. We're always trying to improve and do better.

d. From time to time, we might reach out to you about newsletters, surveys, and service audits. Don't worry, you can always opt-out if it's not your thing.

e. If you participate in our surveys or other interactive communications, we'll collect those responses to make our Services even better.

f. Identifying the source of new customers is important to us. We like to know how people find us!

g. If you have any complaints or feedback, we'll use your info to address them and resolve any disputes.

h. And of course, we'll use your info for internal admin stuff. Got to keep things organised!

By the way, when you sign up for our Services or make enquiries, you will be added to our general mailing list for industry insights and what's happening at Equality. But if you're not keen to receive this, no worries. You can opt-out anytime by following the instructions in the email you receive.

Disclosure of Personal Information
We take your privacy seriously, so we won't disclose your Personal Information without your consent, unless:

a. We're required by law or believe in good faith that it's necessary to protect our business interests. Like, if there's a legal action and we need to disclose info to a court, you know the drill.

b. We work with trusted contractors who provide licensed collections services, credit card payment processing, and CRM services. Rest assured, they follow our privacy and security policies.

c. If we sell our business (which would be a big deal!), we might need to disclose your info as part of the deal.

d. In extreme cases, we might need to disclose your info to protect the safety of our staff, or the public.

Sometimes we might need to share your Personal Information with third parties who help us with services like market research, distributing marketing info (unless you opt-out), and supporting our Services. Don't worry, we have contracts with them that require them to keep your info confidential.

Just so you know, some of these third-party service providers might be located outside of Australia. But we made sure their privacy and confidentiality provisions align with Australian privacy laws. We're all about keeping your info safe.

Security of Your Personal Information
We've got your back when it comes to security. We store your data on controlled, secure servers in Australia. Sometimes we might transfer your data overseas, but only for storage purposes on those servers.

We take reasonable steps to protect your info from misuse, interference, loss, and unauthosized access, modification, or disclosure. But, here's the thing: we can't control everything. So, if there's an interception over the internet, unpatched vulnerabilities, spyware, or if you don't protect your username or password, we can't be held responsible. Stay vigilant.

We're not liable for any losses, expenses, damages, and costs (including legal fees) resulting from third-party access to your info. We're doing our best to keep things secure, but we can't control everything.

If we suspect unauthosized access or disclosure of your info (eligible data breach), we'll investigate and assess the situation. If it's serious and likely to harm you, we'll notify you and the Australian Information Commissioner as soon as possible. We take our obligations seriously.

When we no longer need your info (unless the law says otherwise), we'll destroy it. No unnecessary data hanging around.

Oh, and be aware that any info you share publicly through chat sessions, email exchanges, or newsgroups accessed via our websites might be available to anyone with access to those sites. So, be cautious about what you disclose publicly.

Accessing Your Personal Information
You have the right to access and correct your Personal Information under the Privacy Act. If you want to access or correct your info, just reach out to our team at They will help you out.

To ensure your privacy and protect others' info, you'll need to provide proof of identity when requesting access. Also, be clear about the specific info you need. We might need to charge an admin fee, but we'll be reasonable and of course will let you know beforehand.

If we can't grant you access or correct your info, we'll explain why in writing and provide details of complaint mechanisms. We want to be transparent and fair.

If you have any complaints about our privacy procedures, don't hesitate to contact our team. We take privacy complaints seriously and will handle them promptly and confidentially.

If we can't resolve your complaint within a reasonable time, you can escalate it to the Australian Information Commissioner. We're committed to doing the right thing!

So, that's it! We hope our Privacy Policy makes things clearer for you. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out. Our team is here to help you!


  • opportunity creators

  • communication specialists

  • branding experts

  • vision creators

  • rule benders

  • game changers

  • perception shifters

  • change catalysts

  • savvy strategists

  • concept navigators

  • narrative shapers


Equality acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, the traditional custodians of this land, and pay our respect to the Wurundjeri Elders, past and present.

© 2024 Equality Media + Marketing. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy.
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